My Blog

the thoughts & ramblings of a Jesus Freak(:

Monday, January 31, 2011

I Am His

At my church we always have a New Years Eve talent show/game night. For the talent show this year, I sang a song called I Am Yours by Bethany Dillon. As I was singing it my body was shaking, like I was so nervous, and I wondered why, because I was singing to the Lord, I didn't feel nervous, yet my body did. I think about how our emotions play tricks on us, when we're supposed to listen to God. We think we know what's best, but in reality only God does, and we need to look to Him in times of trouble. We are His, we are His children, we are not our own. One of my favorite parts of that song goes,
"You have called me out of shadows, out of darkness, into Light, hemmed in by the Hands of Mercy I'm completely satisfied to be Yours."
We should be satisfied to be His! He is all we will ever need.
Have a great day, (:

Monday, January 24, 2011