My Blog

the thoughts & ramblings of a Jesus Freak(:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thermometer vs. Thermostat

I should have posted this earlier this week, but for some reason I thought of it just now.
Wednesday night in youth group we had an amazing night. Our message was called "Thermometer vs. Thermostat," I think, at least that's what we were all calling it. Anyway, my youth leader talked about two types of Christians, Thermometer Christians and Thermostat Christians. Which one are you? A thermometer only reads the temperature, it blends with it's surroundings. A thermometer Christian just does what everybody else does, it changes depending on the people around it. A thermostat changes the temperature, it sets the temperature. A thermostat Christian doesn't blend in with it's surroundings, it does the right thing even if it's hard, it sets a fire for Jesus. See the difference? I think we should all try to be that thermostat, setting a fire for Jesus, changing the temperature. So, let me ask again, which one are you? Think about it.
Love in Christ,
Karlee Kay


  1. Because I'm a songleader I am usually a thermostat, setting the pace, and temperature for a service. I try to get folks involved in a service so that when the Pastor gets up to preach the people are attentive. However, there are times when I think we should be a temperature sensitive, walking into a room testing the atmosphere so as not to be inappropriate. For instance; if we are in a terrific mood and the mood in the room is somber because of sad news or something it would not be proper to shout "Praise the Lord!!" Your youth leader is correct though, you should always be a follower of Christ, and only follow good people that you know are also following Christ. Be a thermostat and set the temperature for for those who need to know our "Guide". Very thought-provoking post, thanks for causing me to think!!

  2. Hi Karlee Kay!
    Thanks for leaving me a sweet comment on my blog. I thought I'd stop by yours and do the same! ;)

    I really enjoyed reading this post. What a neat analogy... I never thought about it that way!

    -- Taylor

  3. I'm proud of you! I love you! YoMama


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